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eddii publishes clinical outcomes in peer-reviewed journal, proving a 5.38% improvement in Time-In-Range

For the first time ever, eddii proves health outcomes for the pediatric population living with T1D using a gamified, real-time CGM interface.

Published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology (JDST), our results show a higher time-in-range (TIR) of 5.38% and lower time-above-range (TAR) by 5.8%. In a randomized controlled trial (RCT), 92 pediatric patients from across the US were enrolled for a period of 8 weeks.

Read the paper below to discover how eddii is making daily diabetes management an effortless and rewarding experience: 

A quick look at eddii's findings

eddii's clinical impact on pediatric users of the app

We're excited and determined to continue this success as we grow, developing an even more impactful user experience on eddii, and doubling down on our user-favorite features.

What Parents and Guardians of children living with diabetes are saying about eddii

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